Laser Dentistry: The Future of Dental Care and Treatment

The introduction of laser technology has made dentistry more precise, versatile and patient-friendly. This all-purpose tool, which was initially invented for industrial purposes, is now widely used in healthcare. Laser dentistry is applicable to both tooth and gum treatments. The documented pain-free, no bleeding, and fast-paced nature of dental laser treatments has made them lucrative for both dentists and patients. Stay tuned to learn how laser dentistry treatment is shaping the future of dental care and treatment.

Laser Dentistry The Future of Dental Care and Treatment - Royal East Dental Dundas
What is
Laser Technology?

The laser is essentially a light beam. The energy of this light is used to make changes in the tissues—both hard (like teeth) and soft (gums and muscles). These changes could mean anything from repair, regeneration to a change in the shape and contour of dental tissues. The tissues absorb this energy, or heat, which causes the changes. 

With Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval, dentists worldwide undergo special training to exclusively use lasers for their patients. It is a safe, bio-friendly and lucrative treatment tool for successful outcomes. 

Applications of Dental Laser Treatments

Let’s talk about the hard tissue uses of laser dentistry:

  • Lasers are used in the treatment of gum recession related tooth sensitivity:  

The laser beam is known to seal the exposed ends of the sensitive areas of the tooth enamel and the roots, thereby gradually reducing sensitivity to heat, cold, sweet, etc.

  • An effective tool for cavities

Lasers can prepare and shape a cavity, removing all the decay before the tooth filling

  • Lasers are used for bone-reshaping

Hard tissue lasers can contour jawbone during surgeries to avoid mechanical drilling.

Soft Tissue Uses of Laser Dentistry:

  • Gum surgeries

Lasers are efficiently used to treat infected, swollen, soggy and receded gums by cleaning the underlying tartar and initiating healthy gum attachment. This procedure is famously known as LANAP (Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure) and is routinely performed.

  • Gum reshaping

Lasers are adept at shaping the gum line around a tooth to recontour the exposed tooth portion. This is usually used before dental crowns and bridges to ensure good tooth height for retention. 

  • Surgical cutting of tissues

Correcting misplaced muscle attachments (like tongue ties), removing excessive gum tissues from the denture fitting, and resection of tumors and tissue growths in the mouth are typically done very easily by dental lasers.

  • Teeth whitening

The lasers can break down the yellowish, brown, and grayish stains on the teeth to reveal the original bright luster of the tooth.

  • Treatment of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) pain

In addition to the high-intensity laser used for cutting, contouring, and repair, there are low-intensity laser beams (830-904 nm) that help in slow healing; these are used to treat poor jaw-joint functions and muscle attachments.

  • Nerve Healing

Low intensity laser lights are also used to alleviate nerve issues like facial palsy and nerve damage. 

Benefits of Laser Dentistry Treatment

Dental laser treatments are beaming with advantages, such as:

  • The Multipurpose Use

Lasers can be used for anything from fillings and surgeries to joint pains. Their omnipresence and versatility make them perfect for all-round dental procedures. Lasers are functionally and esthetically shaping the future of dental treatments. 

  • Precise 

The accuracy and control offered by laser devices ensure on-point treatment. They prevent overcutting, under trimming or sudden slippage of instruments during procedures. The power and wavelength of the laser beam can be adjusted before the procedure to master precision and successful outcomes.

  • Patient Friendly

Dental lasers are almost no-pain, no bleeding in nature. Once numbed, you will barely feel the procedure. Post treatment the instructions are simple with minimal anti-inflammatory medication. Healing is quick and non-eventful, without causing any hazards.

Laser Dentistry for Your Tomorrow

Laser dentistry in Dundas is on the road to transforming the roadmap of dental practice. If you or a family member has been advised by the dentist on Dundas to undergo laser assisted procedures like a filling, gum surgery, teeth whitening, etc., it’s best to discuss the treatment with the dentist to be aware of the do’s and don’ts. Combined with digital dentistry in Dundas, ON,  dental lasers have helped dentistry take a leap towards the best patient outcomes.
