What to Expect During a Zoom Teeth Whitening Session
Do you wish for showing off a brighter and whiter smile? If you are concerned about your smile, you might need professional teeth whitening. The teeth whitening treatment help you feel confident while you smile and eliminates the stain and plaque build-up on your teeth over time. You can ask our dentists at Royal East Dental, Dundas whether you are a right fit for Zoom teeth whitening. With Zoom teeth whitening, you can get eight times brighter shade in just a single visit. The instant outcome makes it perfect for all your special occasions like weddings, graduation, or any other program. Zoom teeth whitening is a non-invasive procedure and will keep your teeth whiter for a longer time. In this post, we will help you to understand what you can expect during the procedure. You will also understand whether you should consider such a procedure or not through this blog.
What is Zoom Teeth Whitening?
Zoom teeth whitening is a revolutionary teeth whitening treatment that uses advanced dental technology to remove stubborn stains and discoloration. Whether it's caused by due to years of smoking, drinking tea, coffee, or other lifestyle factors, Zoom whitening can remove it all effortlessly. Zoom whitening can only be performed by a licensed dental professional, unlike any other over-the-counter whitening products that you can get done easily at home.
What can you expect during the procedure?
Our experts at Royal East Dental, Dundas will start the procedure with an initial consultation, where they will assess the overall health of your teeth. This will help in determining whether you are a good candidate for Zoom whitening or not. And if you are, then they will start the procedure by applying hydrogen peroxide gel over your teeth. A special Zoom chairside lamp is used to activate the gel. The high-powered blue ultraviolet light breaks down the hydrogen peroxide gel, releasing oxygen to enter the enamel and dentin, bleaching the teeth without damaging them.
The entire procedure can take around 45 minutes, each session 15 minutes. However, the duration may vary based on the type of discoloration you have.
After each 15-minute session, our dentist will check the progress and shade of your teeth and will add more gel, if necessary. Thus you will get the desired result after the procedure.
While Zoom whitening does a brightening effect on your teeth, you may relax on your dental chair.
Are you a right fit for Zoom Teeth Whitening?
You thought it right! Though the Zoom whitening treatment is pretty straightforward; the procedure is not suitable for everyone seeking teeth whitening. Those with sensitive teeth should not consider Zoom whitening as an option. Although most of the people get benefit from it. Our expert team at Royal East Dental, Dundas will help examine, do the initial consultation, and will decide whether Zoom whitening is the right treatment for you.
Aftercare instructions you need to know:
Some may feel a bit of sensitivity in their teeth after the procedure. That’s why our Zoom whitening provider recommends using sensitive toothpaste. Additionally, you should avoid taking stain-causing foods and drinks for the first few days. Our dental experts in Dundas help you with at-home Zoom whitening trays that you can use for maintaining the whitening effect. Aside from that, you may need o revisit Royal East Dental for occasional follow-ups.
See the difference yourself
Before starting your treatment, our Zoom whitening specialist will check and keep a note of the current shade of your teeth. They will also note down the shade you want. Based on that, your Zoom whitening treatment will be planned. And after the first session itself, you will see the dramatic results in your smile. Many of our patients have seen the difference and can smile with confidence for the first time in years.
How long does the effect last?
There is no such whitening treatment whose effect lasts for a lifetime. However, with proper aftercare and oral hygiene practices, the effect of Zoom can last for years.
Will you get hurt after Zoom teeth whitening?
You may feel sensitivity after Zoom whitening. Although, the chances of sensitivity are pretty low. As per research, the number of patients around 2-9 percent who have experienced sensitive teeth post-Zoom treatment.
Zoom whitening at Royal East Dental, Dundas
If you have decided to undergo Zoom teeth whitening treatment, look no further than Royal East Dental, Dundas. We would love to help you get the smile you have ever wanted. Our experts will also handle sensitivity efficiently that may arise post-treatment. To transform your smile inside out and to book an appointment, consult our dentists today.
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