Tooth Brushing Techniques for Kids by Dental Expert

 Good oral hygiene habits, including regular tooth brushing should be established at a young age to ensure healthy teeth and gums. Even if you have finally got your little one used to the ‘brushing twice daily’ routine, they need to learn how to wield a toothbrush. So that they can have a plaque-free mouth and can enjoy a healthy smile. Yes, for adults it’s easy for us to know how to brush our teeth; yet it seems surprisingly tough for us to show our toddlers how to do it properly. Here we have discussed some toothbrushing techniques recommended by kids dental experts for teaching your kids to brush their teeth. 

  • Brush your baby’s teeth as soon as they appear: Start teeth cleaning of your baby's teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush as soon as the first tooth appears. Use a small amount of fluoride toothpaste( about the size of a rice grain) and brush gently. 

  • Relearn the proper tooth-brushing technique: We don’t always put much thought into knowing what are the steps involved in the right brushing technique. But when it comes to demonstrating or explaining it to your little ones, it becomes hard. You may even think, ‘am I doing it the right way?’ That is when you need to give yourself a refresher on the proper tooth-brushing technique. 

  • Choose the right toothbrush and paste for your child: Are you using the right-sized toothbrush for your child? Yes, you heard it right. Using the right-sized toothbrush and the right amount of toothpaste is equally important. For children under 3 years old, a small amount (the size of a rice grain) of fluoride toothpaste, and children between 3-6 years old, use a pea-sized amount.  

  • Demonstrate on yourself: Brush your teeth in front of your child by practicing the right brushing technique. Include fun in your demonstration to engage your child all throughout the procedure. You can sing a song or set a timer to make sure that they brush for the recommended two minutes. 

  • Let them try on their own: Once your child is able to hold the tooth brush, let them brush their teeth in front of the mirror. Later, you can check for any lingering plaque. Make sure they brush front, back and all the chewing surfaces of their teeth.  Parent’s supervision is necessary until they can do it properly on their own.

Kids who don’t brush their teeth will have a harder time learning the right technique when they get older. 


Still, have queries regarding brushing techniques?

Here are some tips from our dental experts for kids that you can use to encourage the right brushing technique for your child. 

  • Wet your child’s toothbrush before applying the right amount of paste: Your child’s dentist will let you know the correct toothpaste amount as per your child’s age. 

  • Brush at 45-degree angle: Keep the toothbrush tilted and angled at your child’s gum line to remove the plaque deposits built near the gum line. 

  • Do not skip any chewing surfaces: Do not forget to pay extra attention to your child’s molar( larger teeth) as these teeth are more susceptible to developing cavities.

  • Start from inside out: Start from brushing on the inner surface of the tongue side of the lower teeth. Then clean the inner surfaces of the upper teeth. These are the most commonly missed spots while brushing. 

  • Ask them to check if it's cleaned properly:  Help your child to check whether teeth surfaces are thoroughly cleaned or not. Ask them to run their tongue along the inner surfaces of all teeth. Plaque will have a gritty feel to it, so your child will easily understand whether the plaque has been properly removed or not. 

  • Do not rush: Let your child need as much time as they need to brush their teeth properly. Eventually they will cut the time to 2 mins, twice daily. 

At Royal East Dental, our expert dentists in Dundas will help you develop an oral health care schedule that will keep your child’s teeth healthy. If you have any queries regarding your child’s oral health or brushing habits, do not hesitate to reach us and schedule an appointment today. 
